The Untold Truth of Vampire Facials

Vampire Facial is a non-surgical procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to create a more youthful appearance. Developed by Dr. Charles Runels, a plastic surgeon from outside Mobile, Alabama, the medical term for this procedure is Platelet Rich Plasma or facial PRP. However, the terms are often used interchangeably.

It was originally coined and registered by Dr. Barbara Sturm MC1, where a patient's blood is drawn and then centrifuged into a custom mixed cream for each patient. She had developed the concept to address her own sensitive skin problems, and it exploded from there, generating what the industry called the Vampire Facial. No one can forget images of Kardashian's blood-stained face as she smiles in the doctor's chair as she heads for a seemingly painful procedure, which has now been dubbed as the Vampire Facial. Over the years, several dermatologists and physicians have claimed to offer similar procedures. Charles Runels, the inventor of the infamous treatment, has apparently done his best to attach both Kardashian's name and face to it.

When he began to experience great success with PRP for the face, he encountered a dilemma. There was a critical observation about the aesthetic market that deeply annoyed Dr. Runels. The fact that there was no way to determine the quality of a physician's ability to offer an elective procedure such as fillers. When you go to the urologist or ophthalmologist, the procedures and standards they adhere to are governed by a medical board.

The aesthetic was like the Wild West, where one doctor could give you duck lips with an injectable, while the other knew how to analyze and sculpt facial structure to help a woman look naturally beautiful and younger. Runels observed that if you saw a doctor announcing Juvederm, there was no way of knowing what he was going to receive. Runels had to step out of the shadows to ensure that only those who were properly trained could use the trademarks. In fact, the few times they received a complaint from a patient turned out that the practitioner who performed a procedure on them was never trained or certified by Dr. Charles Runels.

He also provides you with marketing materials that you can purchase at a very low cost and are only available to suppliers in the group. Runels has patient education brochures, banners, shirts, coffee mugs and more. It will also be listed as a certified provider on Dr. Runels directory for each procedure you are trained in. Often, patients search directories directly using their zip code to find the provider closest to them.

Even if I had to receive one patient per year from Dr. Runels board, apart from any other type of marketing you can do, would pay more than a full year to be a member. Charles Runels, MD, is pleased to have you on board, whether you decide that learning virtually with online training or spending two days with him is the best way to start. Sal Nadkarni, known as Dr. Sal, describes an aesthetic procedure using the patient's own blood. Unlike many popular skin care procedures, the Vampire Facial is the only one that does not require injecting a foreign substance into the body.

To make a Vampire Facial even more effective, she suggests combining it with ultherapy to tighten the skin. Every next great skin care product or procedure is marketed as a Fountain of Youth, and this label has certainly been applied to the vampire facial. But what exactly is a vampire facial and what does it have to do with vampires anyway? Is it really the fountain of youth or just another skincare trend of the day? I Asked Several Medical Experts to Reveal the Untold Truth of Vampire Facials. With the Vampire Facial, PRP is also placed on the skin during micropuncture to be injected into the skin, doubling the stimulation. Kardashian claims that while she and her sister Kourtney Kardashian did, in fact, get Vampire Facials “seven years ago while filming an episode of their show “Kourtney and Kim Take Miami”, she says she “certainly never licensed her name in connection with the procedure”.So to counteract the constant depletion of collagen, I recommend repeating the vampire facial once a year to ensure renewed collagen production. Sal told me: “The effects of Vampire Facial are quite long-lasting due to the growth factor in platelets that causes increased collagen production”.The 19-page complaint is also filled with a series of examples, the most prominent of a pamphlet used to promote the vampire facial and which included the words “The Kardashians have it”.Despite the differences between surgical procedures and vampire facials, both can help you achieve a more youthful look.

Dave Mcrill
Dave Mcrill

Subtly charming tv lover. Award-winning music guru. Amateur pop culture trailblazer. Passionate web ninja. Typical thinker.

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